A: TALK, OPEN door, SHAKE tree, use tool (CATCH bugs, CAST fishing rod, SWING axe), READ signs, ACTIVATE stereo and furniture animations (If Available).
B: PICK up and put away item, CANCEL action, HOLD B Button Down to run.
X: Check MAP, MULTI-item selection (when selling items or organizing letters).
Z: Turn LIGHTS on or off when your in your house.
L: Grab ONE item when in menu.
Z,L,R: STOP playing on the NES.
C-Stick: Work Out (will ONLY work when Aerobics are in session).
House Expansions Verified
House - Loan: 19,800 Bells (Your first loan)
1st Expansion - Loan: 148,000 Bells
The 2nd expansion and Basement you can choose which you want to do first, so be careful when talking to Nook. Don't worry the one you don't choose the first time will be your next expansion.
2nd Expansion - Loan: 398,000 Bells
Basement - Loan: 49,800 Bells
Second Floor - Loan: 798,000 Bells (Your last loan and then your completely out of debt!)
Feng-Shui Verified
Orange colored furniture goes in the North part of your house. It gives you good luck with money and items.
Yellow colored furniture goes in the West part of your house. It gives you good luck with money and items.
Red colored furniture goes in the East part of your house. It gives you good luck with items.
Green colored furniture goes in the South part of your house. It gives you good luck with money and items.
What does Feng-Shui do? It increases your chances with getting lots of cash and items, so try to use Feng-Shui whenever possible.
HRA Breakdown Verified
Happy Room Academy. Keep in mined your basement is NOT scored.
Completed Furniture Series - 48,000 points
Wallpaper and Carpet From the Same Series - 10,000 points
Wallpaper or Carpet From the Same Series - 4,800 points
Complete Necessities of Life (from Same Series) - 16,000 points
Complete Necessities of Life (from Different Series) - 4,400 points
Theme Furniture - (# of pieces x 7,000) + 15,000 points
Wallpaper and Carpet of Same Theme - 10,000 points
Completed Furniture Set - # of pieces x 3,000
For each item (such as tickets, paper, fossils, clothes, etc.) you leave scattered on the floor will get you one point deducted. Make sure to use dressers and tabletops.
HRA Prizes:
When you score 70,000 points you will get the House Model.
When you score 100,000 points you will get the Manor Model.
Money Tree Verified
Find a sparkly glowing spot on the ground (the glowing spot where you find your free daily money) and use the shovel to unearth the money bag. Instead of just pocketing the money and closing the hole, stand in front of it, go into your inventory and select the money bag. Now choose the "plant item in ground" option that you also use to grow flowers or fruit and put the bag back into the sparkly spot in the ground. A seedling will sprout, which will grow into a money-bearing tree (if put in a good spot).
Note: Planting a money bag just anywhere will not produce a money tree. It has to be planted in the sparkly special spot.
Catching A Bee Not Verified
Bees are usually in the normal trees. Shake the tree. If a bee comes out, run to the next screen (or acre) then press START quickly. Select your net (you must be like me if you recieved the golden net) then keep running. When your at another screen. Hold A, and let go before you see the bee. Ha! You got that sucker! (This tip is easier if you have quick reflexes.)
Getting Golden Items (without passwords) Verified
Golden Net: Catch all 40 types of insects to get your hands on the Golden Net. The Golden Net will help you catch insects easier. You will also get a Butterfly sign on your house that shows off your bug catching skills.
Golden Fishing Rod: Catch all 40 types of fish to get your hands on the Golden Fishing Rod. The Golden Fishing Rod will help you catch fish easier. You will also get a Weathervane trophy on your house that shows off your fish catching skills.
Golden Shovel: You can produce a Golden Shovel the same way you plant a money tree. Buy an extra shovel, find a sparkle spot, dig out the money bag, stand right in front of it and select the shovel. Pick "bury" and the shovel will be planted in the ground and a sapling will pop up. If the spot is good, a golden tree will grow that will produce a Golden Shovel instead of fruit. The Golden Shovel will unearth 100 Bells at random when you dig in the ground.
Golden Axe: Check the Wishing Well every day for 15 days and get a "Perfect" rating. To do this, you'll have to have the right mix of trees in each acre, pull out weeds, avoid littering, and have plenty of flowers. If you pull this off, visit the Wishing Well to meet the lucky spirit Farley, who will hand over the Golden Axe that never breaks.
Red Rock (Rocky Jackpot) Verified
Every day, one rock in your village will turn into a treasure rock. Walk up to a rock and hit it with either your shovel or axe (preferably your axe). If the rock turns red, quickly hit it again. The most you can hit the rock is seven times. Each time, a money bag will come flying out. The first three bags will be 100 Bell bags and the next 3 will be 1,000 Bell bags. The last bell bag (if you get to it) will be 10,000 bells. The rock will be fading back into it's orignal color meaning you can not get anymore money from the rock soon.
Unverified: This may seem like a lot a work if you do not get the right rock right away however. . . . anyways to get maximum money bags from rocks, walk beside a rock and then dig holes around your person/character. This will prevent your character from bouncing away from the rock, and you will get maximum money.
Shake Trees Verified
Many trees have 100 bells in them. Shake trees to see what falls out - be careful of Bee's though. Two trees will also contain furniture and if you're extremely lucky a bag of 10,000 bells might fall from a tree!
Change Pause/Pocket Screen Background Verified
To change the pause screen background, grab a shirt that you want for the background. Move it to the bottom-right hand corner (not the section where the letters are stored) and move it down once. It will go into a blank area, and when you press the "A button", the background will change.
Police Station
Open 24 Hours
Runned By: Copper and Booker
Information is Available for Special Events, just ask Copper, he will be standing outside.
Inside: The Lost-and-Found is located inside and Booker will be there to assist you.
Visiting Other Towns: To get the map you need to talk to Copper (Dog Standing Outside Police Station)
Garbage Dump
Open 24 Hours
Emptied On: Monday and Thursday at 6:00am
Look for mayor Tortimer at the wishing well and if hes there talk to him. He'll ask you to take care of the lighthouse while he's on vacation. If you manage to perfectly take care of it for one whole week while Tortimer is gone, you'll get a present.
Wisp the Ghost
Every night between midnight and 3:00 am, a ghost called Wisp will be somewhere in your town. You won't see him ,at first, you will run into him. Talk to him and he will ask you to find 5 spirits. Once you found all 5 spirits, go back to where Wisp is. Talk to him and return the spirits and in return he will....(You get to choose)
- Pull Weeds
- Give You Furniture
- ??? (I don't Remember SORRY)