Getting A Perfect Town

Special Acres (Exempt acres): Every beach square (including the tailor sisters), the player houses(B3), the wishing well(?), the museum, and the lake.
Normal Acres (Non-Exempt acres): The post-office, Nook's, the dump, the police station, the train station (?) and of course every other normal acre.

Wishing Well Scoring Credit goes to ArchonBasic/Archon_basic

Normal Acres Special Acres

You need 14 points to get a perfect town - I can confirm this.

Wishing Well Messages

To recieve one of the messages below you must talk to the Wishing Well and select "How are things?".

"In areas where there is little green..."
Explanation: Too few trees. You will need to plant more trees in the acre that the Wishing Well specifies.
What to check for:
  1. Make sure no trees are touching and you can go around them completely.
  2. Make sure no rock/wall/fence/tree is in the way of a tree.
  3. You should have 9-16 trees in every acre except for the exempt acres (look at scoring for what you should aim at though).
"Trees are a thing of extraordinary beauty but..."
Explanation: Too many trees. You will need to cut down tree(s) in the acre that the Wishing Well specifies.
What to check for: [same as above]

"When there are too many weeds...and acres in need of care and attention... a town feels very unsettled."
Explanation: Too many weeds. You will need to pull weeds in your town.

"Things aren't too bad ... but with just a little more care and attention, everything would be much, much better."
Explanation: Almost satisfactory. You still have lots of weeds in your town that you need to pull. . . so go pull them! Five weeds will grow daily - make sure you pull them.

"It appears that things fare well, by and large. If you were to search out areas where there are too many, or not enough, trees...then things would be faring even better."
Explanation: Almost satisfactory. Plant or cut down more trees in the following acres: Museum, Wishing Well, House, Train Station, Beach Acres, mable Sisters, lake, water fall.

"Yes...yes. Things feel as they should. This is certainly a satisfactory level of prosperity...but with just a little more effort, things could be even better."
Explanation: Satisfactory. Make sure there is no garbage laying around your town in normal areas and no dead trees. (This is when you have around 8 points - atleast that is when I noticed it started saying this.)

"Everything is perfect! [your town] is a very livable place."
Explanation: Your town is perfect! Congrats! . . . Now just keep it that way for 15 days to get the Golden Axe (which is unbreakable).
What to check for: Five weeds grow daily - make sure you pull them during the next 15 days. If you also just grew new trees you want to make sure they are all growing properly.

Quick Notes
  1. Make sure you get rid of your tree stumps after cutting down trees. (You use your shovel to do this.)
  2. A tree takes about 4 days to grow completely depending on where it is.
  3. 2 weeds is the most you can have in 1 acre to keep a perfect condition.
  4. Flowers cancel out weeds, but do not give you extra points(the flowers do have to be in the same acre as the weeds though).
  5. When you first plant a tree it is counted toward your tree total.

My Experience
When I got a perfect rating this is how my town was.
  1. I had no trees touching.
  2. I had all weeds pulled that I could find.
  3. I had 15 points according to the scoring.
  4. I had the houses acre (B3) full of Halloween furniture and candy (since Halloween just got over).
  5. I had 3 pieces of furniture laying at the Train Station (A3)(since Halloween just got over).
  6. I also had 3 pieces of candy laying in one of my acres (since Halloween just got over).
  7. I do have a lot of trees I just planted today that I need to check up on to make sure they do not die.
  8. My dump is not empty - it has 1 item.