You have to take a picture of each animal twice. (They will be different colors and will have to be taken on 2 seperate days - after you turned in the first photo.) You can turn in photo's when Tim, the zookepper, is in the zoo. (the zoo is closed at night time).
(Below credit goes to Krystal123 and me.)
Morning's (Light Blue)
Giraffe: Likes Fields in the morning. Likes Trees, Topiaries and Stone pillars. I found them near a tree in the town area in the morning.
Rabbit: Likes Fields and Seas in the morning. Likes Flower beds and Flower-selling carts.
I found them next to a flower bed in a field in the morning. (It was the first one I found.)
Penguin: Likes Snow Field in the morning and noon. Likes Igloos and Snowmen.
Snowman = 2 bubbles (bottom slot)
Igloo = 1 moon and 1 bubble
I found them next to a snowman I had placed down in a snowy area at noon.
Noon (Yellow)
Dog: Likes Sea sides and Snow fields at noon. Likes Scarecows, Gates and Picnic sets.
Scarecrow = 2 question marks
Gate = planet + leaf/fire/heart/water/diamond/star
I went near Johnny's house in the mountains and placed a picnic set near the sea, surrounded by gates(but an opening so I can squeeze in and take the picture.
Panda: Likes Fields and Seas at noon. Likes Swings and Slides. RECCOMMENDED: 2 swings by the sea near Richard.
Swing = water + bubble (right slot)
I found them next to a swing I had placed near the furniture shop.
Evening's (Red)
Deer: Like Evenings, Fields and Snow fields. Likes Objects.
They were the hardest for me but I used the Extractor Dr. F gave me to make the heart object, the sci-fi object and the flower object. I placed them down in the town and slept till evening and it was there. For the heart object combine a heart and a ?.
Pig: Likes Fields and Snow fields in the evening. Likes Tree Stumps and Totem poles.
Tree stump = 2 hexagons
Totem pole = planet + bubble
I found the pig next a tree stump I made at the time the sign said to find them.
Night (Dark Blue)
Cat: Likes Fields and Race courses at night. Likes Benches and Castle towers.
Bench = heart + leaf (and also bubble + leaf/fire/heart/water/diamond/star)
The cats like benches so i made a bench (combine two bubbles)
and i slept till night and it was next to the bench.
Hippo: Likes Field and Seaside at night. Likes Fountains and Water fountains.
I found the hippos by a fountain at night.
The animals will be in the same place but in a different color only if you give the picture to Tim before the next day! (The pet will not be a different color if you do not give Tim the picture first. - You will then have to wait the next day to try again.)