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moon jellyfish
I got a moon jellyfish! Now to find a sun peanutbutterfish.

Ah, the moon jellyfish...what's not to love about this pretty floating flower of the sea... Well, I suppose its tentacles do give a sting when touched...but it's only a mild thing to the likes of us. Other creatures may not be so fond of this translucent beauty. Though who can blame them, really? Moon jellyfish have stinging cells called cnidocytes that kill fish and other small critters that float by. And they use their "oral arms" to pull these morsels into their mouths and stomachs. Indeed, one need but observe the moon jellyfish to see how brutal AND beautiful nature can be.

North Month: 7-9 - South Month: 1-3

Time: All Day

Sells For: 600 Bells

Speed: Very slow