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giant isopod
GAAAAH! I got a giant isopod! It's the crustodian of the sea.

Growing up to nearly 20 inches, the sea-dwelling giant isopod is the world's largest cousin of the pill bug. Twenty inches?! Twenty times as revolting, I say! Making matters worse for those of us who find the pill bug repulsive rather than "cute"... The giant isopod can swim shockingly fast and is known for its voracious appetite. In fact, it's most happy when dining on the carcasses of animals that have sunk to the bottom of the sea! This behavior has earned it a nickname... 'the vacuum cleaner of the deep.' Why must nature play such awful pranks on me?

North Month: 7-10 - South Month: 1-4

Time: 9am - 4pm & 9pm - 4am

Sells For: 12000 Bells

Speed: Very fast